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PowerShell Jira - Issues REST API Examples

Search for Issues Assigned to a Particular User
This example request searches for issues assigned to a user with the username, “matt”. A single URL parameter (jql) that contains the JQL query is provided in the request.

Get Fields
Returns a list of all fields, both System and Custom

Create Issue
Creates an issue or a sub-task from a JSON representation.

Get an Issue
Returns a full representation of the issue for the given issue key or ID. This example returns the JSON for the issue with key = "SCRUM-15".

Edit an Issue
Edits the issue from a JSON representation. This example updates the issue having key = "SCRUM-15". A successful update is indicated by a response status code equal to 204 with an empty response body.

Delete an Issue
Deletes an issue. This example deletes the issue having key = "SCRUM-13". A successful delete is indicated by a response status code equal to 204 with an empty response body. This example demonstrates one possible JSON error response (where the response status code was 403).

Assign Issue
Assigns the issue to the user. Use this resource to assign issues for the users having “Assign Issue” permission, and not having the “Edit Issue” permission. If name body parameter is set to “-1” then automatic issue assignee is used. A name set to null will remove the assignee. A successful response is indicated by a 204 status code with no response body. This example assigns issue "SCRUM-15" to "matt"

Add (Upload) Attachments to an Issue
Add one or more attachments to an issue. This example will add 3 attachments to the issue "SCRUM-15".

Get Change Logs
Returns a paginated list of all updates of an issue, sorted by date, starting from the oldest. This example gets the change log for the issue with key = "SCRUM-15".

Add a Comment
Adds a new comment to an issue. This example adds a comment for the issue with key = "SCRUM-15".

Update a Comment
Updates a comment. This example updates comment (id=10019) for the issue with key = "SCRUM-15".

Delete a Comment
Deletes a comment. This example deletes comment (id=10019) for the issue with key = "SCRUM-15". A successful response is indicated by a 204 response code with no response body.